Saturday, September 3, 2011

Official Stage Playbook

What word is on page 3, 2 words from the left on line 8?           great
What word is on page 3, 2 words from the left on line 12?         acting
What word is on page 3, 5 words from the left on line 14?         flipper
What word is on page 3, 5 words from the left on line 3?           bright
What word is on page 3, 5 words from the left on line 15?         answer
What word is on page 3, 7 words from the left on line 5?           show
What word is on page 6, 3 words from the left on line 5?           wonderful
What word is on page 6, 7 words from the left on line 4?           work
What word is on page 7, 5 words from the left on line 8?           through
What word is on page 7, 2 words from the left on line 12?         around
What word is on page 7, 6 words from the left on line 5?           penguins
What word is on page 7, 6 words from the left on line 10?         hanging
What word is on page 7, 8 words from the left on line 4?           special
What word is on page 8, 4 words from the left on line 4?           fun
What word is on page 8, 4 words from the left on line 8?           director
What word is on page 8, 7 words from the left on line 9?           decide
What word is on page 8, 7 words from the left on line 14?         script
What word is on page 8, 9 words from the left on line 18?         role
What word is on page 9, 1 word from the left on line 18?          other
What word is on page 9, 2 words from the left on line 6?           music
What word is on page 9, 3 words from the left on line 9?           black
What word is on page 9, 3 words from the left on line 16?         needs
What word is on page 9, 5 words from the left on line 2?           booth
What word is on page 9, 5 words from the left on line 22?         actions
What word is on page 10, 3 words from the left on line 4?         rehearse
What word is on page 10, 3 words from the left on line 12?      outside
What word is on page 10, 5 words from the left on line 15?      stars
What word is on page 10, 7 words from the left on line 6?         time
What word is on page 10, 9 words from the left on line 10?      fancy
What word is on page 11, 4 words from the left on line 6?         success
What word is on page 11, 6 words from the left on line 3?         your
What word is on page 11, 8 words from the left on line 9?         everyone
What word is on page 12, 1 word from the left on line 5?          golden
What word is on page 12, 2 words from the left on line 13?      the
What word is on page 12, 3 words from the left on line 9?         arrived
What word is on page 12, 3 words from the left on line 15?      including
What word is on page 12, 5 words from the left on line 4?         treasure
What word is on page 18, 2 words from the left on line 7?         charming
What word is on page 18, 5 words from the left on line 3?         magical
What word is on page 19, 3 words from the left on line 12?      causing
What word is on page 19, 6 words from the left on line 3?         forest
What word is on page 19, 7 words from the left on line 7?         hero
What word is on page 20, 5 words from the left on line 8?         jumped
What word is on page 20, 5 words from the left on line 11?      teeth
What word is on page 20, 6 words from the left on line 19?      flying
What word is on page 20, 7 words from the left on line 15?      blew
What word is on page 20, 8 words from the left on line 5?         lovely
What word is on page 21, 4 words from the left on line 9?         snowball
What word is on page 21, 5 words from the left on line 19?      wool
What word is on page 21, 6 words from the left on line 11?      some
What word is on page 21, 8 words from the left on line 2?         long
What word is on page 24, 2 words from the left on line 7?         about
What word is on page 24, 3 words from the left on line 4?         careful
What word is on page 24, 3 words from the left on line 14?      saying
What word is on page 25, 4 words from the left on line 6?         dinosaurs
What word is on page 25, 9 words from the left on line 10?      control
What word is on page 26, 5 words from the left on line 11?      stuck
What word is on page 26, 8 words from the left on line 19?      use
What word is on page 27, 4 words from the left on line 5?         wearing
What word is on page 27, 10 words from the left on line 18?    ten
What word is on page 30, 2 words from the left on line 4?         stop
What word is on page 30, 2 words from the left on line 22?      unwrapped
What word is on page 30, 7 words from the left on line 7?         loyal
What word is on page 31, 8 words from the left on line 3?         statue
What word is on page 32, 5 words from the left on line 8?         middle
What word is on page 32, 8 words from the left on line 3?         little
What word is on page 33, 2 words from the left on line 16?      dark
What word is on page 33, 4 words from the left on line 3?         give
What word is on page 33, 4 words from the left on line 5?         think
What word is on page 33, 6 words from the left on line 10?      chocolate
What word is on page 36, 3 words from the left on line 19?      questioned
What word is on page 36, 4 words from the left on line 6?         glamorous
What word is on page 36, 5 words from the left on line 4?         sniffing
What word is on page 36, 7 words from the left on line 22?      solved
What word is on page 36, 8 words from the left on line 17?      track
What word is on page 37, 6 words from the left on line 6?         hidden
What word is on page 37, 7 words from the left on line 13?      very
What word is on page 37, 8 words from the left on line 5?         leads
What word is on page 38, 5 words from the left on line 18?      here
What word is on page 38, 7 words from the left on line 10?      outside
What word is on page 38, 7 words from the left on line 21?      answer
What word is on page 38, 8 words from the left on line 3?         storm
What word is on page 38, 8 words from the left on line 19?      few
What word is on page 39, 10 words from the left on line 14?    numbers
What word is on page 39, 4 words from the left on line 7?         flowers
What word is on page 39, 9 words from the left on line 2?         needed
What word is on page 42, 2 words from the left on line 5?         aliens
What word is on page 42, 2 words from the left on line 8?         under
What word is on page 42, 3 words from the left on line 17?      brains
What word is on page 42, 4 words from the left on line 4?         landings
What word is on page 42, 6 words from the left on line 15?      friend
What word is on page 43, 2 words from the left on line 14?      yellow
What word is on page 43, 3 words from the left on line 2?         began
What word is on page 43, 3 words from the left on line 15?      flying
What word is on page 43, 7 words from the left on line 8?         plan
What word is on page 44, 4 words from the left on line 10?      survey
What word is on page 44, 8 words from the left on line 19?      rebuild
What word is on page 45, 5 words from the left on line 3?         clearing
What word is on page 45, 6 words from the left on line 7?         excellent
What word is on page 45, 7 words from the left on line 14?      join
What word is on page 46, 4 words from the left on line 10?      thrown
What word is on page 46, 4 words from the left on line 2?         entry
What word is on page 46, 4 words from the left on line 14?      tried
What word is on page 47, 3 words from the left on line 9?         own
What word is on page 47, 4 words from the left on line 18?      course
What word is on page 47, 5 words from the left on line 19?      again
What word is on page 47, 9 words from the left on line 3?         spacecraft
What word is on page 50, 2 words from the left on line 13?      everything
What word is on page 50, 2 words from the left on line 16?      reporter
What word is on page 50, 3 words from the left on line 8?         punch
What word is on page 50, 4 words from the left on line 20?      battle
What word is on page 50, 5 words from the left on line 4?         watch
What word is on page 51, 3 words from the left on line 5?         changed
What word is on page 51, 6 words from the left on line 3?         eats
What word is on page 51, 6 words from the left on line 11?      smashing
What word is on page 52, 4 words from the left on line 9?         heroes
What word is on page 52, 6 words from the left on line 16?      their
What word is on page 53, 3 words from the left on line 17?      city
What word is on page 53, 5 words from the left on line 5?         let
What word is on page 56, 3 words from the left on line 16?      winner
What word is on page 56, 3 words from the left on line 12?      graceful
What word is on page 56, 4 words from the left on line 4?         energetic
What word is on page 56, 5 words from the left on line 8?         parrot
What word is on page 57, 1 word from the left on line 10?        unstoppable
What word is on page 57, 1 word from the left on line 7?          sports
What word is on page 57, 1 word from the left on line 18?        without
What word is on page 57, 2 words from the left on line 3?         rooting
What word is on page 57, 5 words from the left on line 15?      ninja
What word is on page 58, 1 word from the left on line 22?        skills
What word is on page 58, 5 words from the left on line 4?         silly
What word is on page 62, 7 words from the left on line 25?      than
What word is on page 62, 8 words from the left on line 22?      look
What word is on page 63, 8 words from the left on line 4?         alone
What word is on page 63, 9 words from the left on line 2?         cool
What word is on page 64, 1 word from the left on line 4?          believe
What word is on page 64, 8 words from the left on line 9?         cheer
What word is on page 65, 5 words from the left on line 1?         sure
What word is on page 65, 6 words from the left on line 8?         play
What word is on page 65, 6 words from the left on line 12?      shine
What word is on page 65, 7 words from the left on line 5?         broken
What word is on page 66, 9 words from the left on line 20?      ultra
What word is on page 67, 7 words from the left on line 16?      words
What word is on page 67, 10 words from the left on line 22?    powerful
What word is on page 68, 2 words from the left on line 6?         misses
What word is on page 72, 3 words from the left on line 7?         sweet
What word is on page 74, 3 words from the left on line 6?         plan
What word is on page 74, 4 words from the left on line 20?      empty
What word is on page 76, 8 words from the left on line 6?         unique
What word is on page 77, 4 words from the left on line 3?         set
What word is on page 78, 1 word from the left on line 8?          cave
What word is on page 78, 4 words from the left on line 3?         entirely
What word is on page 79, 1 word from the left on line 4?          recipe
What word is on page 79, 2 words from the left on line 7?         house
What word is on page 79, 4 words from the left on line 1?         random
What word is on page 80, 6 words from the left on line 2?         applause

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